Our Team

Program Director / Supervisor / Educator

Mme Kirsten

Mme Kirsten is the Director/Supervisor and Educator at the Capucine. She started working with the Capucine in 2017 but has actually been our yoga teacher since 2008! Originally from Calgary, she has been living, working and teaching in French for over 20 years. Leading up to this role, she was the Director for the SPEFSA (CDAFSA-Centre d’Appui Familiale du Southern Alberta), a teacher/mentor for the Roots of Empathy programs in both french and english, as well as Swellmama Doula/prenatal, postnatal and kids yoga and mindfulness teacher. Kirsten (pronounced Shirsten) has a vast and varied experience working with francophone children and families. Passionate, patient, curious, creative and welcoming – Kirsten seeks to create a respectful, safe and inviting environment in which every child can grow and flourish.

Kirsten is also mom to 4 children who are graduates or currently enrolled at both École Terre des Jeunes and École de la Rose Sauvage.


Supervisor / Educator ENM

Mme Julie

Originally from Ottawa, Mme. Julie is the Educator at our Scenic Acres Capucine. Mme. Julie graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a B.Ed and a B.A. specializing in French in 2007 and has her Level 3 in Early Childhood Education. For the past 10 years, Mme Julie has been working with children of all ages in a before-and-after school setting where she enjoys teaching, singing, dancing and doing crafts in French with her kids. Mme. Julie is a mother of twin girls – both graduates from the Capucine in 2018. She is so enthusiastic to be working with such a great program. She is also excited to be working with 3-5 year olds and is hoping to learn a few things from them as well!


Mme Ophelia

Mme Ophelia believes in the brilliance and beauty of children. Patient, observant and a true advocate for children, she has big plans to change how we view childhood, early childhood education and the role of the educator. The kids at the Capucine would agree and actively welcome and seek out her gentle and authentic presence.


Mme Sisca

Je m’appelle SISCA MUYAMBO, Je. Suis congolaise et ça fera 7ans que j’ai tout quitté pour rejoindre mon mari au canada. Je suis maman de deux adorables jeunes filles .je suis en train de finir mon niveau 3 au CAMPUS SAINT JEAN et je travaille à temps partielle à la capucine. Je suis enracinée dans l’éducation depuis mon enfance, ma passion indéfectible pour l'éducation a façonné mon parcours académique, me guidant vers des études en pédagogie générale et en sciences des lettres aux Congo. J’ai choisi la petite enfance car je me suis engagée à contribuer pleinement à l'épanouissement des enfants, aspirant à forger des citoyens éclairés et bienveillants. Ma vision va au-delà de la salle de classe, visant à instaurer un monde qui célèbre la richesse de nos diversités. C'est dans l'amour de l'apprentissage et le goût des défis que je trouve ma motivation quotidienne, faisant de la petite enfance un moyen de grandir en humanité. : Ainsi, chaque jour dans ma mission éducative, je m'efforce d'incarner ces idéaux en pratiquant une écoute active attentive et en guidant chaque enfant vers la découverte de sa propre unicité. Convaincue que l'éducation transcende les connaissances académiques, je m'engage à cultiver des espaces où chaque élève peut s'épanouir, apprendre à apprécier nos différences et contribuer à la construction d'un avenir empreint de compréhension et de respect mutuel. En embrassant ces valeurs, je considère ce métier comme un voyage constant vers l'amélioration personnelle et la création d'un impact positif durable.